The use of the Life Veda Institut Website is governed by these “Terms of Use” (referred to as “Terms”), which dictate the relationship between Life Veda Institut (“Life Veda Institut” or “We”) and yourself (“You” or “User”) in relation to your use of the Service. Through the access or utilization of the Service, You express your consent to these Terms and agree to be legally bound by them. These Terms impact your legal responsibilities and entitlements; thus, if you do not concur with the Terms, refrain from using the Service.

You are required to (i) employ your distinct personal email address and provide any other requisite information to become a registered user of the Service and establish a Service account (“Account”),

  1. Rights & Obligations
    You are granted a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and non-exclusive authorization by Life Veda Institute to use the executable version of the Service solely for your personal use. The Service is licensed to you exclusively for personal or group use by your student(s) (for whom you have purchased the course) and expressly for non-commercial purposes. Additionally, your utilization of the Service may be subject to specific regulations, as outlined about the relevant services.

    You are prohibited from vending or imposing charges on others for the privilege of utilizing Your Account, or from transferring Your Account to any other entity.
    Upon obtaining access to the Service through course procurement, you are permitted to use it solely for the intended access to the Service. You acknowledge that, among other reasons including system security and reliability, the Service may necessitate automated updates, preloading, generation of new versions, or other enhancements to the service, thus resulting in potential alterations to the content and system requisites for utilizing the service over time.
  2. Subscription to the live and recorded courses
    The time-limited purchases to our offered courses include:
    a.) Interactive live courses for which you have enrolled and require access for a duration of 3 or 8 months, based on the specific course.
    b.) Purchased recorded courses that require access for either 3 or 8 months.

    When the limited time expires, your subscription access automatically finishes.
  3. Intellectual property
    Ownership of the Service (including the related software and media), the Service design and associated content such as text, scripts, graphics, interactive features, trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (“Life Veda Institute Property”) is vested in or licensed to Life Veda Institute, in accordance with copyright and other intellectual property rights protected by laws and international agreements. Except as explicitly stipulated in these Terms, Life Veda Institute does not confer any express or implied permissions to utilize the Life Veda Institute Property. Additional content, such as videos, pictures, or coaching services (“Additional Content”), may be provided to users by Life Veda Institute, either free of charge or for a fee.

    Users are hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable license to access and employ the Life Veda Institute Property and Additional Content solely in the context of utilizing the Service. Any utilization of the Service, Life Veda Institute Property, or Additional Content beyond the scope expressly authorized in the Terms is proscribed and will result in the termination of the license to utilize said materials. It is elucidated that users do not possess the right to make content sourced from the Service available to third parties.
  4. Third-Parties
    Use of any third-party websites, applications, services, or content within the Service is subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the respective third-party service providers or applicable licenses for the availability of such content. Life Veda Institute is not liable for any third-party services or content included in third-party services accessible through the Service.
  5. Costs
    Payment of the specified fees associated with the Service grants you access to the Service and any Additional Content. By initiating an order for the Service or purchasing Additional Content during the relevant billing period, and furnishing payment details, you authorize Us to levy charges at the applicable rates in line with Live Veda Institute’s fee structure. Except for your legal entitlement to cancel orders, payments are non-refundable, with no reimbursements or credits for partially used billing periods.

    Certain transactions linked to the Service are definitive and non-reversible. Immediate commencement of services upon Life Veda Institute’s acceptance of your purchase, such as the provision of extra features or material for use (e.g., Additional Content through separate acquisition), exempts the fees from refund, except where permitted previously. Live Veda Institute retains the right to adjust Service prices at any juncture, with enacted modifications not impacting previously remitted service charges.
  6. Security
    To mitigate security risks associated with the Service, you are required to provide accurate personal and relevant details to Life Veda Institute, promptly notifying any changes therein. The utilization of your information is subject to the terms outlined in the Life Veda Institute Privacy Policy, as referenced herein. Life Veda Institute will employ appropriate online and physical safeguards to safeguard your personal data submitted through the Service from unauthorized access or misuse, ensuring its reasonable accuracy. Diverse technologies, including encryption where suitable, are utilized to maintain stringent security standards. While data stored on Life Veda Institute servers is generally inaccessible to the public, a degree of risk is inherent in internet usage. You bear responsibility for ensuring the security of your equipment, internet connection, and software to prevent harm to Life Veda Institute or third parties. By using the Service, you agree not to engage in activities that jeopardize the system’s integrity, including damaging, hacking, or attempting to interfere with the Service in any illicit manner.
  7. Support
    Live Veda Institute reserves the right to provide limited technical support for the Service at its discretion. Live Veda Institute is not obligated to provide support or maintenance for the Service under this agreement. It is understood that the Service is continuously being developed. As long as your service license remains active, you have the right to receive upgrades or updates for the Service.
  8. Warranty
    Except as outlined above, Live Veda Institute does not provide any expressed or implied warranties or representations regarding the Service’s quality, performance, or suitability for a specific purpose to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The Service and all included content are provided to you strictly on an “as is” basis, except in situations where defects make the service nonfunctional.
  9. Compensation
    In the event of your breach of the Terms and Conditions or any part thereof, or any action or inaction on your part related to the Service (including User Content), you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Life Veda Institute, its affiliates, licensors, partners, and subcontractors against all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including reasonable legal fees. Life Veda Institute retains the right to take charge of its own defense and/or oversight of any issue subject to your indemnification obligation hereunder.
  10. Liability limitation
    You recognize and consent that Life Veda Institute bears no responsibility for any repercussions stemming from your use of the service, as stipulated herein. You acknowledge that Life Veda Institute will not be held accountable for any network-related issues resulting from the service’s operation and that modifications to network configuration may impact the system’s functionality.
  11. Termination
    Your right to use the Service continues until your right to use the Service is terminated. You may terminate your right to use the Service at any time by ceasing to use the Service. Your right to use the Service will automatically terminate if You fail to comply with the material terms of the Terms. In such cases, You will not be entitled to any refund. Life Veda Institut shall have the right to, at its sole discretion, decide upon the provision of the Service and make it available to you and reserves the right to discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time. These Terms are in effect for the time being.
  12. General Information
    You may not assign or delegate rights or obligations under the Terms or Privacy Policy without Life Veda nInstitut’s prior written consent. Life Veda Institute may assign or delegate its rights and obligations under the Terms and/ or the Life Veda Institute Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time. These Terms describe certain legal rights.
    You may possess statutory rights in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction. These Terms do not supersede these statutory rights. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction deems any portion of the Terms or the Life Veda Institute Privacy Policy to be unlawful or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed void only within that particular jurisdiction, while the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected in all other jurisdictions, thereby preserving the full force and effect of the Terms.
    Life Veda Institute reserves the right to issue additional policies concerning specific services. Your authorization to utilize such services is contingent upon adherence to these specific policies and terms. Life Veda Institute retains the authority to modify, amend, supplement, or remove sections of the Terms and its Privacy Policy, with any changes being communicated through updated Terms on the service platform or via email to the provided address. Your continued use of the Service will be considered as acceptance of such alterations. Failure to agree with any sections of the current iteration of the terms, Privacy Policy, or other Life Veda Institute policies, regulations, or codes of conduct relevant to service utilization will result in immediate termination of your service license, necessitating the cessation of service use without eligibility for a refund. It is advised to regularly review the service to stay informed of the current Terms.
  13. Disputes & Contact
    Any disputes concerning the Service and the Terms shall be resolved in accordance with Slovenian law. Contact Information: